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hitchBOT, jr

Grade 1 (FLEX)
Band + Electronics (1.5 minutes)





Flute (advanced)

Oboe (may double as Mallets 1)

Bâ™­ Clarinet

Bâ™­ Clarinet (advanced)

Eâ™­ Alto Sax

Eâ™­ Alto Sax (advanced)

Bâ™­ Trumpet

Bâ™­ Trumpet (advanced)

F Horn



Oboe (may double as Mallets 2)

Bâ™­ Clarinet

Bâ™­ Clarinet (advanced)

Eâ™­ Alto Sax

Eâ™­ Alto Sax (advanced)

Bâ™­ Tenor Sax

Bâ™­ Trumpet

Bâ™­ Trumpet (advanced)

F Horn




Bâ™­ Clarinet

Bâ™­ Bass Clarinet

Eâ™­ Alto Sax

Bâ™­ Tenor Sax

Eâ™­ Baritone Sax

Bâ™­ Trumpet

F Horn



Bâ™­ Bass Clarinet

Bâ™­ Tenor Sax

Eâ™­ Baritone Sax

F Horn






Percussion 1: Snare Drum

Percussion 2: Bass Drum

Percussion 3: Suspended Cymbal, 2 Woodblocks, Triangle, Low Tom

- (may be performed by multiple players)

Mallets 1, 2 (double Oboe Part 1 and Part 2)

Click the icon to view perusal score:


hitchBOT, the late Canadian hitchhiking robot, was created by professors at McCaster University and Ryerson University in 2013. hitchBOT was a study in “roboethics” (the ethics of robot use) and set out to answer the essential question: “Can robots trust humans?”  


The robot was released into the wild and traveled all over North America and Europe. Because hitchBOT couldn’t move on its own, it asked drivers to pick it up and transport it from location to location. hitchBOT eventually became a social media sensation with fans all over the world following its journey. In 2015 hitchBOT was brutally decapitated and vandalized during its attempt to hitchhike across the United States, thus ending the study. Sometimes bad things happen to good robots.


I was inspired by hitchBOT’s tragic story to write this fun, quirky, dark techno-western influenced piece for band and electronics. The audio track is constructed to sound somewhat robotic in nature while the ensemble has room to add expressivity and human artistry to the mix, hinting at the underlying tension present by nature in the ethics of human interaction with technology.  


While hitchBOT was not limited to only Western United States, when imagining the idea of hitchhiking robots I couldn’t help but picture two robots hanging out by a campfire in the desert – harmonicas in hand. For this reason the piece has a bit of a country-western flavor hinting at music from some of my favorite classic films (too bad those films didn’t have robots). 


This version of the piece was designed with beginning bands in mind as part of the Beginning Band Adaptable Series through Murphy Music Press.

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